Neuro-Bio collaborates with Sara Bandiera.

Neuro-Bio collaborates with Sara Bandiera.

Neuro-Bio is delighted to continue its cooperation with Professor Zoltan Molnar's laboratory and to announce that Sara Bandiera will be characterising T14 in the developing brain during a fix-term collaboration. Sara originally come from Italy, where she studied for...

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Neuro-Bio welcomes Katy!

Neuro-Bio welcomes Katy!

Neuro-Bio welcomes Katy Miller as intern based at Durham University. She will be visiting Neuro-Bio for a week, from the 21st of February until the 3rd of March. Katy is a fourth-year chemistry student at Durham University, currently working on her master's research...

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Neuro-Bio congratulates Javier for his new job title!

Neuro-Bio congratulates Javier for his new job title!

Neuro-Bio would like to congratulate Javier Audibert for stepping up to the Head of Finance role! Since he joined the company, Javier has demonstrate his qualities and taken on more responsibilities; therefore he has now been promoted to Head of Finance.

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Nathalia Mayag Medina joins Neuro-Bio!

Nathalia Mayag Medina joins Neuro-Bio!

Neuro-Bio is delighted to welcome Nathalia Mayag Medina as part of the team. Nathalia recently graduated in pharmacy at University of Barcelona. The Pharmaceutical Sciences degree is a 5-year programme during which she was able to join two projects. First, a directed...

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