Zoltan Molnar

Professor Zoltan Molnar

Professor of Developmental Neuroscience at the University of Oxford
Distribution of T14 in the brain developing and adult rodents with microscopy.

University of Oxford
Tobias Bast

Professor Robin Murphy 

Professor of experimental psychology at the University of Oxford
A novel animal model of Alzheimer’s disease.

University of Oxford
Zoltan Molnar

Professor Angela Russell

Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Oxford
Design of next generation therapeutics for Alzheimer’s disease

University of Oxford
Tobias Bast

Dr Pol Hernandez Lladó 

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Oxford
Design of next generation therapeutics for Alzheimer’s disease

University of Oxford
Zoltan Molnar

Dr Felicia Green

Associate Investigator, Postdoctoral Research Associate in Mass Spectrometric Instrumentation at the Rosalind Franklyn Institute
Identification of T14 in fluids using Mass spectrometry

University of Oxford
Tobias Bast

Dr Daniel McGill 

Postdoctoral Research Associate in molecular structure elucidation at the Rosalind Franklyn Institute
Identification of T14 in fluids using Mass spectrometry.

University of Oxford
Zoltan Molnar

Dr Neus Falgas

Neurologist at the Hospital Clinic de Barcelona
Development of a biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease

University of Oxford
Tobias Bast

Professor Tobias Bast 

Associate Professor at University of Nottingham.
Novel animal model of Alzheimer’s (T30).

University of Nottingham
Mark Collis

Professor Mark Collis

Deputy Director of the Mass Spectrometry Centre at University of Sheffield.
Detection of T14 in blood/brain/CSF using Mass Spectrometry.

University of Sheffield
Professor Idabel Bermudez-Diaz

Professor Isabel Bermúdez-Diaz

Professor of Neuropharmacology at Oxford Brookes University.
Target engagement: characterisation of the binding of the peptide and drugs on the alpha7 nicotinic receptor.

Oxford Brookes University
Dr Steven Cobb

Dr Steven Cobb

Associate Professor in Chemical-Biology and Director of the Centre for Global Infectious Diseases at Durham University.
Drug discovery: peptoid and peptide chemistry to tackle interesting and challenging biological problems. He is a valued member of our Drug Risk Task Force.

Durham University
Maria-Salud Garcia Ayllon

Professor María-Salud García Ayllón

Principal Investigator at Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche
Proof of concept: Comparison of rat embryo brains with pathology

Gregory Cole

Dr Gregory Cole

Professor of Medicine and Neurology at University of California, Los Angeles
Alzheimer’s: Proof of concept and characterisation of NBP14 in pathology

University of California
Professor Javier Saez-Valero

Professor Javier Saez-Valero

Principal Investigator at Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche
Proof of concept: Comparison of rat embryo brains with AD pathology.

Nadine Kabbani

Dr Nadine Kabbani

Associate Professor at the School of Systems Biology of the George Mason University.
Calcium signalling via the alpha 7 type nicotinic receptor and influence on the synaptic development in the brain.

George Mason University
Robin Anderson

Professor Robin Anderson

Head of the Translational Breast Cancer Program and the Metastasis Research Laboratory at the Olivia Newton-John Insitute.
Genetic regulation of metastasis, primarily in breast cancer, and identification of new targets for molecular based therapy for patients with progressive disease.

Olivia Newton John Cancer Institute
Andis Klegeris

Professor Andis Klegeris

Professor of Biology at the University of British Columbia.
Pharmacology; neuroimmunology; inflammation and neurodegenerative diseases.

University of British Columbia
Raquel Boque-Sastre

Dr Raquel Boque-Sastre

Head of the project Therapeutic approach to colorectal cancer at Xenopat

Phillipa Saunders

Professor Philipa Saunders

Chair of Reproductive Steroids at the University of Edinburgh

University of Edinburgh
Andrew Horne

Professor Andrew W Horne

Professor of Gynaecology and Reproductive Sciences at the University of Edinburgh

University of Edinburgh
Lucy Whitaker

Professor Lea Grinberg

Professor in Neurology at UCSF
Understanding the localization of T14 in the brain.

University of Edinburgh
Lorna Harris

Professor Lorna Harries

Professor of Molecular Genetics & Founder and CSO of SENISCA
To explore the correlation between T14 and AChE-R mRNA

Lucy Whitaker

Dr James Murray

Senior Lecturer in Autophagy and Ageing Diseases at Swansea University
How T14 influences longevity

University of Edinburgh
Lorna Harris

Jean-Phillippe Courtois

Unilever:  Prestige Senior Open Innovation Manager

Lucy Whitaker

Gianpaolo Zerbini

Research Associate, Complication of Diabetes
T14 studies in the retina

University of Edinburgh
Lucy Whitaker

Dr Claire Sheppard

Dr Claire Shepherd is the Director of the Sydney Brain Bank at Neuroscience Research Australia

University of Edinburgh
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