Neuro-Bio is a privately owned biotech, spun out of Oxford University, with a therapeutic focus on neurodegenerative disease. The company has discovered a novel molecule (T14) which is toxic in the adult brain and shown to be a potential key driver of neurodegeneration.

This distinct mechanism is utilised by Neuro-Bio to develop exciting new drugs to treat Alzheimer’s disease (AD), alongside a biomarker which can diagnose AD prior to the onset of symptoms.


The disruptive approach of Neuro-Bio has:

  • Identified the subset of cells vulnerable to Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
  • Explained the reason they are prone to degenerate
  • Identified the key pivotal toxic peptide (‘T14’) driving this process
  • Proved that T14 is a feature of the AD brain
  • Developed a novel animal model based on T14
  • Devised a possible test whereby T14 could be a biomarker of AD
  • Identified the T14 target receptor
  • Designed a T14 blocker as an effective therapeutic drug for AD, with proven behavioural and histological effects


“Prof. Greenfield and her colleagues at Neuro-Bio have developed a novel, innovative, and potentially very fruitful approach to the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

The work represents an excellent example of translational research in which a finding in basic neurobiology has been linked to key aspects of human disease.” Dr Richard Mohs, Chief Scientific Officer for the Global Alzheimer’s Platform (GAP) Foundation.

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