Neuro-Bio Assets


1. Therapeutic for Alzheimer’s combatting T14

A novel drug treatment that could stabilise cell loss by combatting the pivotal toxin T14. NBP-14 is the lead compound in the preclinical phase toward IND status and subsequent clinical testing in the near future. Neuro-Bio is also developing a pipeline that involves screening smaller, potentially more druggable variants.


2. .Biomarker for pre-symptomatic AD based on T14 in saliva and nasal secretions

Neuro-Bio is developing a biomarker with diagnostic and prognostic potential using 2 different approaches: (a) detection of T14 in nasal secretions using a LFT wit aptamer technology (b) detection of T14 in saliva using Mass spectrometry.

The development of these approaches is based in 2 different partnerships based in the UK.

3. A first-in-class, non-transgenic animal model of AD

Currently genetically modified, ‘transgenic’ mouse models do not replicate the fully authentic Alzheimer profile, as well as being time-consuming and costly to produce. Given the Neuro-Bio approach based on the putatively pivotal mechanism driving Alzheimer’s, it follows that intracerebral administration of T14 to normal rodents, should result in a complete pathological scenario including impaired memory loss and appearance of traditional brain markers.

4. Combatting metastases by blocking T14

If T14 drives cell development then it might also feature in cancer (Garcia-Ratés and Greenfield 2017), a condition characterised by inappropriate cellular spread. This idea is supported by the anti-metastatic action of NBP14 in vitro (Pepper et al., 2017). Neuro-Bio is thus developing NBP14 as a drug for metastasis treatment with external partners currently testing in vivo.

5. Skin aging and skin disorders

If neurodegeneration and cancer are aberrant activations of a basic developmental system, driven by T14, it follows that this molecule would be operating still in adulthood, in the skin, – which is continuously in a state of development with epidermal skin cells constantly being made and replaced. Neuro-Bio is developing several applications of the T14-NBP14 technology for skin aging and skin disorders with external partners.
6. Alternative to Rapamycin

Use of NBP-14 as an alternative to rapamycin and avoiding its side effects. Rapamycin, an mTOR blocker, poses significant side effects, necessitating alternative treatments. We demonstrate that T30-induced AChE release is atenuated by mTOR complex blockade, with T30 selectively activating mTORC1. Silencing Raptor, essential for mTORC1 forma􀆟on, reduces T30-induced AChE release, while silencing Rictor, necessary for mTORC2 formation, does not. NBP14 selectively blocks mTORC1


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