Kashif Mahfooz

Kashif Mahfooz

Senior Scientist

Kashif received his PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Navarra, Spain. His thesis was focussed on short term synaptic plasticity (STP) and epilepsy. In 2016, he joined Department of Pharmacology at the University of Oxford as a Postdoctoral research fellow. He has more than 14 years of experience in Neuroscience research with expertise in the field of neurodevelopmental disorders, cortical circuit formation and neurodegeneration. He joined Neuro-Bio as Senior Scientist and he is using optical and electrophysiological techniques to screen and identify lead compounds with potential for Alzheimer’s therapy.

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Sibah Hasan

Sibah Hasan

Senior Neuroscientist

Sibah graduated with a PhD in Life Science from the University of Lausanne, where he validated a new wake-promoting compound (FDA & EMA approved) using a pharmacogenomics approach. He has over 10 years of postdoctoral experience in Neuroscience research (Surrey and Oxford Universities) ranging from biomarker development (for Sleep and Circadian rhythms) to studying the effects of light in brain and behaviour. After finishing his postdoctoral research at the Department of Pharmacology (University of Oxford), working on septo-hippocampal oscillations, he joined Neuro-Bio as Senior Neuroscientist. Sibah is now working on both biomarkers and therapeutic approaches to tackle neurodegeneration, using in vitro model of AD to screen novel compounds at the cellular level, and understand their mode of action.

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Marta Perez Gonzalez

Marta Perez Gonzalez

Senior Scientist

Marta received a BSc in Biotechnology from the University of Oviedo in 2014. After that, she got a MSc in Biomedical Research and a PhD in Neuroscience and Cognition at the University of Navarra. During her time in Navarra, Marta identified and validated a novel therapeutic strategy for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and tested the efficacy of different small molecules for AD treatment. She then moved to University College London to work as postdoctoral research fellow, first in the department of Clinical and Experimental Epilepsy and lately in the department of Neuromuscular Disorders where she worked on Down syndrome. Marta’s expertise includes cellular, molecular and behavioural biology. She joined Neuro-Bio as Senior Scientist.

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Joanna Komorowska

Joanna Komorowska

Junior Scientist

Joanna is a 5th-year student of Neuroscience with Psychology at the University of Aberdeen. She originally joined Neuro-Bio as a student scientist for her industrial placement in 2023 and decided to stay as a junior scientist while completing her final year at the university. For the past two years she has been working on the biomarker project, detecting T14 in human brain, cerebrospinal fluid and saliva.

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Charlotte Foote

Charlotte Foote

Junior Scientist

Charlotte recently graduated from the University of Exeter with a degree in Neuroscience where she completed her dissertation analysing hippocampal network activity in a transchromosomic mouse model of Down syndrome.  She investigated whether signatures of electrical neuronal network activity in the dentate gyrus, which is vulnerable to malfunction caused by trisomy 21, are disrupted in different behavioural states.  Alongside her degree, she independently completed courses in Machine Learning and Computational Neuroscience which developed her knowledge of the processing required in neural networks.  Charlotte is pleased to be joining Neuro-Bio for a 10-week internship to contribute to the development of a therapeutic for Alzheimer’s Disease.

Lucy Evans

Lucy Evans

Lab Technician

Lucy is a recent biochemistry graduate from the University of Birmingham. Lucy has previous work experience at TMCPharma and GSK where she gained knowledge on the multivarious roles within the R&D sector. She is now extremely excited to be joining the biotech world, specifically Neuro-Bio’s novel approach to tackling such a devastating disease. She hopes to contribute to the future potential treatment of Alzheimer’s. 

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Nikki Evans

Nikki Evans

Student Scientist

Nikki is a second year Medical Sciences undergraduate at the University of Exeter. During the summer, she participated in a synthetic biology competition where she gained experience working in the lab and various synbio techniques. She has a keen interest in neuroscience, especially neurodegeneration and looks forward to starting her placement at Neuro-Bio where she hopes to learn new techniques and contribute to Neuro-Bio’s novel approach to Alzheimer’s research.





Cloe Garcia

Cloe Garcia

Student Scientist

Cloe is a third-year physiology undergraduate at the University of Glasgow. She has a keen interest in the mechanisms that trigger neurodegenerative diseases and potential novel treatments. Having experience with molecular techniques, such as PCR, Cloe is really looking forward to her placement year at Neuro-Bio, where she can further enhance her lab technique. She also hopes to gain a greater understanding of AD pathogenesis, make new connections, and prepare herself for a career in research.

View Cloe’s LinkedIn page

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