Hasan, S., Ahmed, M., Garcia-Ratés, S., Greenfield, S.A.. (2022) “Antagonising a novel toxin “T14” in Alzheimer’s disease: Comparison of receptor blocker versus antibody effects in vitro”. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. 158 (2023) 114120 View PDF IF 7.4

Greenfield, S. A., Ferrati, G., Coen, C. W., Vadisiute, A., Molnár, Z., Garcia-Ratés, S., Frautschy, S., Cole, G. M.. (2022) “Characterization of a Bioactive Peptide T14 in the Human and Rodent Substantia Nigra: Implications for Neurodegenerative Disease“. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.  View PDF IF 6.2

Garcia-Ratés, S., Greenfield, S. A.. (2022) “When a trophic process turns toxic: Alzheimer’s disease as an aberrant recapitulation of a developmental mechanism“. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 149  106260. View PDF IF 5.6

Greenfield, S.A., Cole, G.M., Coen, C. W., Frautschy, S., Singh, R. P., Mekkittikul, M., Garcia-Ratés, S., Morrill, P., Hollings, O., Passmore, M., Hasan, S., Carty, N., Bison, S., Piccoli, L., Carletti, R., Tacconi, S., Chalidou, A., Pedercini, M., Kroecher, T., Astner, H., Gerrard, P. A. (2022). “A novel process driving Alzheimer’s disease validated in a mousemodel: Therapeutic potential”. Translational Research & Clinical Interventions. DOI: 10.1002/trc2.12274. View PDF IF 6.3

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